Video-Oculography (= measuring eye movements with video cameras):This technology promises significant improvements in the diagosis of opthalmological, neurological and otological pathologies. It profits tremendously from the recent advances in digital video cameras, as well as in new, powerful software for digital image processing, and is currently also our main research focus. More information ....


Wii-Reha While we can measure almost everything, it is still challenging to determine which information is useful in order to improve rehablitation services. One important question is how we can motivate patients to perform more rehabilitiation in their home environment. In this context I am also participating in the EU Project FitRehab.


Forces on the knee during snowboard-jumps

Linear Accelerations and Otolith-induced Postural Responses (LOTO)


Oculomotor Mechanics


Otoltih mechanics and information processing

Thomas Haslwanter, last updated June 24, 2012