Source code for sensors.xio3

Import data saved with "x-IMU3" sensors from X-IO, through subclassing "IMU_Base"
Note that the data are in three files: data come from

    - an inertial sensor
    - a magnetometer
    - a high-speed accelerometer

More info about the sensor on

# Author: Thomas Haslwanter

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import constants
import os

from skinematics.imus import IMU_Base

[docs] def read_datafiles(in_files, rate=50): '''Read data from XIO3-files. The data from inertial- and magnet-sensor sensors are sampled at different frequencies. To nevertheless provide a fixed frequency, the data are re-sampled to "rate". Parameters ---------- in_file : list with file-paths of the data-files rate : sample-rate for the interpolated data (Hz) Returns ------- out_list: list Contains the following parameters: - time [s] - acceleration [g] - angular_velocity [deg/s] - mag_field_direction [uT] ''' data_imu = pd.read_csv(in_files['IMU']).values data_b = pd.read_csv(in_files['mag']).values # df_acc = pd.read_csv(in_files['HGacc']) t_i = data_imu[:, 0] t_b = data_b[:, 0] # t_acc = df_acc['Timestamp (us)'] start = np.max([t_i[0], t_b[0]]) stop = np.min([t_i[-1], t_b[-1]]) step = 1e6 / rate # since the timestamps are in micro-seconds # Interpolate the IMU-data t = np.arange(start, stop, step) data = [] for col in range(1, 7): data.append(np.interp(t, t_i, data_imu[:, col])) # Interpolate the magnetic field measurements for col in range(1, 4): data.append(np.interp(t, t_b, data_b[:, col])) data = np.array(data).T acc = data[:, 3:6] omega = data[:, :3] b = data[:, 6:] return (acc, omega, b)
[docs] class XIO3(IMU_Base): """Concrete class based on abstract base class IMU_Base """
[docs] def get_data(self, in_file, in_data): ''' Get the recorded data, and assign them to the corresponding attributes of "self". For the XIO3, the data are stored in different files: - "Inertial.csv" : data from the inertial sensor - "Magnetometer.csv" : data from the magnetometer - "HighGAccelerometer.csv" : data from the high-speed-accelerometer For the protocoll here, data from the HighGAccelerometer are ignored, data from the magnetometer are interpolated to provide the same frequency as the data from the inertial sensor. Assigns the following properties: - time : recording, starting at 0 (sec) - acc : acceleration (g) - omega : angular_velocity (deg/s) - mag : mag_field_direction () Parameters ---------- in_selection : string Directory containing all the data-files, or filename of one file in that directory in_data : requested sample rate for interpolation ''' in_selection = in_file rate = in_data if os.path.isdir(in_selection): in_dir = in_selection else: in_file = in_selection in_dir = os.path.split(in_file)[0] file_list = os.listdir(in_dir) # Get the filenames, based on the XIO3-definitions files = {} for file in file_list: if file.find('Inertial') >= 0: files['IMU'] = os.path.join(in_dir, file) if file.find('Magnetometer') >= 0: files['mag'] = os.path.join(in_dir, file) if file.find('HighGAccelerometer') >= 0: files['HGacc'] = os.path.join(in_dir, file) # Read the sensor-data acc, omega, b = read_datafiles(files, rate) # Set the class properties in_data = {'rate': rate, 'acc': acc * constants.g, 'omega': np.deg2rad(omega), 'mag': b} self._set_data(in_data)
if __name__ == '__main__': test_dir = r'..\..\tests\data\data_xio3' assert os.path.exists(test_dir) sample_rate = 50. # Hz my_sensor = XIO3(in_file=test_dir, in_data=sample_rate) plt.plot(my_sensor.acc) print(my_sensor.rate) print('Done')