Source code for sensors.polulu
''' Import data saved with polulu-sensors, through subclassing "IMU_Base"
These are low-cost IMUS (<20 US$), where acceleration/gyroscope data are not
sampled at the same time as the magnetic field data (just over 100 Hz).
As a result, the interpolated sampling rate has to be set by hand.
# Author: Thomas Haslwanter
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import abc
from skinematics.imus import IMU_Base
class Polulu(IMU_Base):
"""Concrete class based on abstract base class IMU_Base """
def get_data(self, in_file, in_data=125):
'''Get the sampling rate, as well as the recorded data,
and assign them to the corresponding attributes of "self".
in_file : string
Filename of the data-file
in_data : float
Sampling rate (has to be provided!!)
- rate : rate
- acc : acceleration
- omega : angular_velocity
- mag : mag_field_direction
# The sampling rate has to be provided externally
rate = in_data['rate']
# Get the data, and label them
data = pd.read_csv(in_file, header=None,
sep=r'\s+', engine='python')
data.columns = ['acc_x', 'acc_y', 'acc_z', 'gyr_x', 'gyr_y', 'gyr_z', 'mag_x', 'mag_y', 'mag_z', 'taccgyr', 'tmag']
# interpolate with a manually set rate. Note that this sensor acquires exactly 25 seconds!
dt = 1/np.float64(rate)
t_lin = np.arange(0, 25, dt)
data_interp = pd.DataFrame()
# Different sampling times for acc/gyr and for mag!
for ii in range(6):
data_interp[data.keys()[ii]] = np.interp(t_lin*1000, data['taccgyr'], data.iloc[:,ii])
for ii in range(6,9):
data_interp[data.keys()[ii]] = np.interp(t_lin*1000, data['tmag'], data.iloc[:,ii])
data_interp['time'] = t_lin
# Set the conversion factors by hand, and apply them
conversions = {}
conversions['mag'] = 1/6842
conversions['acc'] = 0.061/1000
conversions['gyr'] = 4.375/1000 * np.pi/180
data_interp.iloc[:,:3] *= conversions['acc']
data_interp.iloc[:,3:6] *= conversions['gyr']
data_interp.iloc[:,6:9] *= conversions['mag']
except FileNotFoundError:
print('{0} does not exist!'.format(in_file))
return -1
# Extract the columns that you want, and pass them on
in_data = {'rate':rate,
'acc': data_interp.filter(regex='acc').values,
'omega': data_interp.filter(regex='gyr').values,
'mag': data_interp.filter(regex='mag').values}
if __name__ == '__main__':
inFile = r'..\..\tests\data\data_polulu.txt'
in_data = {'rate':125}
my_sensor = Polulu(in_file=inFile, in_data=in_data)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt