Routines for working with rotation matrices
author : Thomas Haslwanter
date : April-2018
import numpy as np
import sympy
from collections import namedtuple
# The following construct is required since I want to run the module as a script
# inside the skinematics-directory
import os
import sys
file_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if file_dir not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, file_dir)
# For deprecation warnings
#import deprecation
#import warnings
#warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning)
[docs]def stm(axis='x', angle=0, translation=[0, 0, 0]):
"""Spatial Transformation Matrix
axis : int or str
Axis of rotation, has to be 0, 1, or 2, or 'x', 'y', or 'z'
angle : float
rotation angle [deg]
translation : 3x1 ndarray
3D-translation vector
STM : 4x4 ndarray
spatial transformation matrix, for rotation about the specified axis,
and translation by the given vector
>>> rotmat.stm(axis='x', angle=45, translation=[1,2,3.3])
array([[ 1. , 0. , 0. , 1. ],
[ 0. , 0.70710678, -0.70710678, 2. ],
[ 0. , 0.70710678, 0.70710678, 3.3 ],
[ 0. , 0. , 0. , 1. ]])
>>> R_z = rotmat.stm(axis='z', angle=30)
>>> T_y = rotmat.stm(translation=[0, 10, 0])
axis = _check_axis(axis)
stm = np.eye(4)
stm[:-1,:-1] = R(axis, angle)
stm[:3,-1] = translation
return stm
[docs]def stm_s(axis='x', angle='0', transl='0,0,0'):
Symbolic spatial transformation matrix about the given axis, by an angle with
the given name, and translation by the given distances.
axis : int or str
Axis of rotation, has to be 0, 1, or 2, or 'x', 'y', or 'z'
angle : string
Name of rotation angle, or '0' for no rotation,
'alpha', 'theta', etc. for a symbolic rotation.
transl : string
Has to contain three names, for the three translation distances.
'0,0,0' would correspond to no translation, and
'x,y,z' to an arbitrary translation.
STM_symbolic : corresponding symbolic spatial transformation matrix
>>> Rz_s = STM_s(axis='z', angle='theta', transl='0,0,0')
>>> Tz_s = STM_s(axis=0, angle='0', transl='0,0,z')
axis = _check_axis(axis)
# Default is the unit matrix
STM_s = sympy.eye(4)
if angle != '0':
STM_s[:3,:3] = R_s(axis, angle)
transl = transl.replace(' ', '')
if not transl==('0,0,0'):
trans_dir = transl.split(',')
for (ii, magnitude) in enumerate(trans_dir):
if magnitude != '0':
symbol = sympy.Symbol(magnitude)
STM_s[ii,-1] = symbol
return STM_s
[docs]def R(axis='x', angle=90) :
"""Rotation matrix for rotation about a cardinal axis.
The argument is entered in degree.
axis : int or str
Axis of rotation, has to be 0, 1, or 2, or 'x', 'y', or 'z'
angle : float
rotation angle [deg]
R : rotation matrix, for rotation about the specified axis
>>> rotmat.R(axis='x', angle=45)
array([[ 1. , 0. , 0. ],
[ 0. , 0.70710678, -0.70710678],
[ 0. , 0.70710678, 0.70710678]])
>>> rotmat.R(axis='x')
array([[ 1. , 0. , 0. ],
[ 0. , 0. , -1. ],
[ 0. , 1. , 0. ]])
>>> rotmat.R('y', 45)
array([[ 0.70710678, 0. , 0.70710678],
[ 0. , 1. , 0. ],
[-0.70710678, 0. , 0.70710678]])
>>> rotmat.R(axis=2, angle=45)
array([[ 0.70710678, -0.70710678, 0. ],
[ 0.70710678, 0.70710678, 0. ],
[ 0. , 0. , 1. ]])
axis = _check_axis(axis)
# convert from degrees into radian:
a_rad = np.deg2rad(angle)
if axis == 'x':
R = np.array([[1, 0, 0],
[0, np.cos(a_rad), -np.sin(a_rad)],
[0, np.sin(a_rad), np.cos(a_rad)]])
elif axis == 'y':
R = np.array([[ np.cos(a_rad), 0, np.sin(a_rad) ],
[ 0, 1, 0 ],
[-np.sin(a_rad), 0, np.cos(a_rad) ]])
elif axis == 'z':
R = np.array([[np.cos(a_rad), -np.sin(a_rad), 0],
[np.sin(a_rad), np.cos(a_rad), 0],
[ 0, 0, 1]])
raise IOError('"axis" has to be "x", "y", or "z"')
return R
def _check_axis(sel_axis):
"""Leaves u[x/y/z] nchanged, but converts [0/1/2] to [x/y/z]
sel_axis : str or int
If "str", the value has to be 'x', 'y', or 'z'
If "int", the value has to be 0, 1, or 2
axis : str
Selected axis, as string
seq = 'xyz'
if type(sel_axis) is str:
if sel_axis not in seq:
raise IOError
axis = sel_axis
elif type(sel_axis) is int:
if sel_axis in range(3):
axis = seq[sel_axis]
raise IOError
return axis
[docs]def R_s(axis='x', angle='alpha'):
Symbolic rotation matrix about the given axis, by an angle with the given name
axis : int or str
Axis of rotation, has to be 0, 1, or 2, or 'x', 'y', or 'z'
alpha : string
name of rotation angle
R_symbolic : symbolic matrix for rotation about the given axis
>>> R_yaw = R_s(axis=2, angle='theta')
>>> R_nautical = R_s(2) * R_s(1) * R_s(0)
axis = _check_axis(axis)
alpha = sympy.Symbol(angle)
if axis == 'x':
R_s = sympy.Matrix([[1, 0, 0],
[0, sympy.cos(alpha), -sympy.sin(alpha)],
[0, sympy.sin(alpha), sympy.cos(alpha)]])
elif axis == 'y':
R_s = sympy.Matrix([[sympy.cos(alpha),0, sympy.sin(alpha)],
[-sympy.sin(alpha), 0, sympy.cos(alpha)]])
elif axis == 'z':
R_s = sympy.Matrix([[sympy.cos(alpha), -sympy.sin(alpha), 0],
[sympy.sin(alpha), sympy.cos(alpha), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
raise IOError('"axis" has to be "x", "y", or "z", not {0}'.format(axis))
return R_s
[docs]def sequence(R, to ='Euler'):
This function takes a rotation matrix, and calculates
the corresponding angles for sequential rotations.
R_Euler = R3(gamma) * R1(beta) * R3(alpha)
R : ndarray, 3x3
rotation matrix
to : string
Has to be one the following:
- Euler ... Rz * Rx * Rz
- Fick ... Rz * Ry * Rx
- nautical ... same as "Fick"
- Helmholtz ... Ry * Rz * Rx
gamma : third rotation (left-most matrix)
beta : second rotation
alpha : first rotation(right-most matrix)
The following formulas are used:
.. math::
\\beta = -arcsin(\\sqrt{ R_{xz}^2 + R_{yz}^2 }) * sign(R_{yz})
\\gamma = arcsin(\\frac{R_{xz}}{sin\\beta})
\\alpha = arcsin(\\frac{R_{zx}}{sin\\beta})
nautical / Fick:
.. math::
\\theta = arctan(\\frac{R_{yx}}{R_{xx}})
\\phi = arcsin(R_{zx})
\\psi = arctan(\\frac{R_{zy}}{R_{zz}})
Note that it is assumed that psi < pi !
.. math::
\\theta = arcsin(R_{yx})
\\phi = -arcsin(\\frac{R_{zx}}{cos\\theta})
\\psi = -arcsin(\\frac{R_{yz}}{cos\\theta})
Note that it is assumed that psi < pi
# Reshape the input such that I can use the standard matrix indices
# For a simple (3,3) matrix, a superfluous first index is added.
Rs = R.reshape((-1,3,3), order='C')
if to=='Fick' or to=='nautical':
gamma = np.arctan2(Rs[:,1,0], Rs[:,0,0])
alpha = np.arctan2(Rs[:,2,1], Rs[:,2,2])
beta = -np.arcsin(Rs[:,2,0])
elif to == 'Helmholtz':
gamma = np.arcsin( Rs[:,1,0] )
beta = -np.arcsin( Rs[:,2,0]/np.cos(gamma) )
alpha = -np.arcsin( Rs[:,1,2]/np.cos(gamma) )
elif to == 'Euler':
epsilon = 1e-6
beta = - np.arcsin(np.sqrt(Rs[:,0,2]**2 + Rs[:,1,2]**2)) * np.sign(Rs[:,1,2])
small_indices = beta < epsilon
# Assign memory for alpha and gamma
alpha = np.nan * np.ones_like(beta)
gamma = np.nan * np.ones_like(beta)
# For small beta
beta[small_indices] = 0
gamma[small_indices] = 0
alpha[small_indices] = np.arcsin(Rs[small_indices,1,0])
# for the rest
gamma[~small_indices] = np.arcsin( Rs[~small_indices,0,2]/np.sin(beta) )
alpha[~small_indices] = np.arcsin( Rs[~small_indices,2,0]/np.sin(beta) )
print('\nSorry, only know: \nnautical, \nFick, \nHelmholtz, \nEuler.\n')
raise IOError
# Return the parameter-angles
if R.size == 9:
return np.r_[gamma, beta, alpha]
return np.column_stack( (gamma, beta, alpha) )
[docs]def dh(theta=0, d=0, r=0, alpha=0):
Denavit Hartenberg transformation and rotation matrix.
.. math::
T_n^{n - 1}= {Trans}_{z_{n - 1}}(d_n)
\\cdot {Rot}_{z_{n - 1}}(\\theta_n) \\cdot {Trans}_{x_n}(r_n) \\cdot {Rot}_{x_n}(\\alpha_n)
.. math::
\\cos\\theta_n & -\\sin\\theta_n \\cos\\alpha_n & \\sin\\theta_n \\sin\\alpha_n & r_n\\cos\\theta_n \\\\
\\sin\\theta_n & \\cos\\theta_n \\cos\\alpha_n & -\\cos\\theta_n \\sin\\alpha_n & r_n \\sin\\theta_n \\\\
0 & \\sin\\alpha_n & \\cos\\alpha_n & d_n \\\\
0 & 0 & 0 & 1
\\right] =\\left[\\begin{array}{ccc|c}
& & & \\\\
& R & & T \\\\
& & & \\\\
0 & 0 & 0 & 1
>>> theta_1=90.0
>>> theta_2=90.0
>>> theta_3=0.
>>> dh(theta_1,60,0,0)*dh(0,88,71,90)*dh(theta_2,15,0,0)*dh(0,0,174,-180)*dh(theta_3,15,0,0)
[[-6.12323400e-17 -6.12323400e-17 -1.00000000e+00 -7.10542736e-15],
[ 6.12323400e-17 1.00000000e+00 -6.12323400e-17 7.10000000e+01],
[ 1.00000000e+00 -6.12323400e-17 -6.12323400e-17 3.22000000e+02],
[ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00]]
theta : float
rotation angle z axis [deg]
d : float
transformation along the z-axis
alpha : float
rotation angle x axis [deg]
r : float
transformation along the x-axis
dh : ndarray(4x4)
Denavit Hartenberg transformation matrix.
# Calculate Denavit-Hartenberg transformation matrix
Rx = stm(axis=0, angle=alpha)
Tx = stm(translation=[r, 0, 0])
Rz = stm(axis=2, angle=theta)
Tz = stm(translation=[0, 0, d])
t_dh = Tz @ Rz @ Tx @ Rx
[docs]def dh_s(theta=0, d=0, r=0, alpha=0):
Symbolic Denavit Hartenberg transformation and rotation matrix.
>>> dh_s('theta_1',60,0,0)*dh_s(0,88,71,90)*dh_s('theta_2',15,0,0)*dh_s(0,0,174,-180)*dh_s('theta_3',15,0,0)
theta : float
rotation angle z axis [deg]
d : float
transformation along the z-axis
alpha : float
rotation angle x axis [deg]
r : float
transformation along the x-axis
R : Symbolic rotation and transformation matrix 4x4
# Force the correct input type
theta_s = str(theta)
d_s = str(d)
r_s = str(r)
alpha_s = str(alpha)
# Calculate Denavit-Hartenberg transformation matrix
Rx = stm_s(axis=0, angle = alpha_s)
Tx = stm_s(transl = r_s + ',0,0')
Rz = stm_s(axis=2, angle = theta_s)
Tz = stm_s(transl='0,0,' + d_s)
t_dh = Tz * Rz * Tx * Rx
[docs]def convert(rMat, to ='quat'):
Converts a rotation matrix to the corresponding quaternion.
Assumes that R has the shape (3,3), or the matrix elements in columns
rMat : array, shape (3,3) or (N,9)
single rotation matrix, or matrix with rotation-matrix elements.
to : string
Currently, only 'quat' is supported
outQuat : array, shape (4,) or (N,4)
corresponding quaternion vector(s)
.. math::
\\vec q = 0.5*copysign\\left( {\\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
{\\sqrt {1 + {R_{xx}} - {R_{yy}} - {R_{zz}}} ,}\\\\
{\\sqrt {1 - {R_{xx}} + {R_{yy}} - {R_{zz}}} ,}\\\\
{\\sqrt {1 - {R_{xx}} - {R_{yy}} + {R_{zz}}} ,}
{{R_{zy}} - {R_{yz}}}\\\\
{{R_{xz}} - {R_{zx}}}\\\\
{{R_{yx}} - {R_{xy}}}
\\end{array}} \\right)
More info under
>>> rotMat = array([[cos(alpha), -sin(alpha), 0],
>>> [sin(alpha), cos(alpha), 0],
>>> [0, 0, 1]])
>>> rotmat.convert(rotMat, 'quat')
array([[ 0.99500417, 0. , 0. , 0.09983342]])
if to != 'quat':
raise IOError('Only know "quat"!')
if rMat.shape == (3,3) or rMat.shape == (9,):
rMat = rMat.T
q = np.zeros((4, rMat.shape[1]))
R11 = rMat[0]
R12 = rMat[1]
R13 = rMat[2]
R21 = rMat[3]
R22 = rMat[4]
R23 = rMat[5]
R31 = rMat[6]
R32 = rMat[7]
R33 = rMat[8]
# Catch small numerical inaccuracies, but produce an error for larger problems
epsilon = 1e-10
if np.min(np.vstack((1+R11-R22-R33, 1-R11+R22-R33, 1-R11-R22+R33))) < -epsilon:
raise ValueError('Problems with defintion of rotation matrices')
q[1] = 0.5 * np.copysign(np.sqrt(np.abs(1+R11-R22-R33)), R32-R23)
q[2] = 0.5 * np.copysign(np.sqrt(np.abs(1-R11+R22-R33)), R13-R31)
q[3] = 0.5 * np.copysign(np.sqrt(np.abs(1-R11-R22+R33)), R21-R12)
q[0] = np.sqrt(1-(q[1]**2+q[2]**2+q[3]**2))
return q.T
[docs]def seq2quat(rot_angles, seq='nautical'):
This function takes a angles from sequenctial rotations and calculates
the corresponding quaternions.
rot_angles : ndarray, nx3
sequential rotation angles [deg]
seq : string
Has to be one the following:
- Euler ... Rz * Rx * Rz
- Fick ... Rz * Ry * Rx
- nautical ... same as "Fick"
- Helmholtz ... Ry * Rz * Rx
quats : ndarray, nx4
corresponding quaternions
>>> skin.rotmat.seq2quat([90, 23.074, -90], seq='Euler')
array([[ 0.97979575, 0. , 0.2000007 , 0. ]])
The equations are longish, and can be found in 3D-Kinematics, 4.1.5 "Relation to Sequential Rotations"
rot_angles = np.atleast_2d(np.deg2rad(rot_angles))
quats = np.nan * np.ones( (rot_angles.shape[0], 4) )
if seq =='Fick' or seq =='nautical':
theta = rot_angles[:,0]
phi = rot_angles[:,1]
psi = rot_angles[:,2]
c_th, s_th = np.cos(theta/2), np.sin(theta/2)
c_ph, s_ph = np.cos(phi/2), np.sin(phi/2)
c_ps, s_ps = np.cos(psi/2), np.sin(psi/2)
quats[:,0] = c_th*c_ph*c_ps + s_th*s_ph*s_ps
quats[:,1] = c_th*c_ph*s_ps - s_th*s_ph*c_ps
quats[:,2] = c_th*s_ph*c_ps + s_th*c_ph*s_ps
quats[:,3] = s_th*c_ph*c_ps - c_th*s_ph*s_ps
elif seq == 'Helmholtz':
phi = rot_angles[:,0]
theta = rot_angles[:,1]
psi = rot_angles[:,2]
c_th, s_th = np.cos(theta/2), np.sin(theta/2)
c_ph, s_ph = np.cos(phi/2), np.sin(phi/2)
c_ps, s_ps = np.cos(psi/2), np.sin(psi/2)
quats[:,0] = c_th*c_ph*c_ps - s_th*s_ph*s_ps
quats[:,1] = c_th*c_ph*s_ps + s_th*s_ph*c_ps
quats[:,2] = c_th*s_ph*c_ps + s_th*c_ph*s_ps
quats[:,3] = s_th*c_ph*c_ps - c_th*s_ph*s_ps
elif seq == 'Euler':
alpha = rot_angles[:,0]
beta = rot_angles[:,1]
gamma = rot_angles[:,2]
c_al, s_al = np.cos(alpha/2), np.sin(alpha/2)
c_be, s_be = np.cos(beta/2), np.sin(beta/2)
c_ga, s_ga = np.cos(gamma/2), np.sin(gamma/2)
quats[:,0] = c_al*c_be*c_ga - s_al*c_be*s_ga
quats[:,1] = c_al*s_be*c_ga + s_al*s_be*s_ga
quats[:,2] = s_al*s_be*c_ga - c_al*s_be*s_ga
quats[:,3] = c_al*c_be*s_ga + s_al*c_be*c_ga
raise ValueError('Input parameter {0} not known'.format(seq))
return quats
if __name__ == '__main__':
from pprint import pprint
STM = stm(axis=0, angle=45, translation=[1, 2, 3.3])
R_z = stm(axis=2, angle=30)
T_y = stm(translation=[0, 10., 0])
out_s = stm_s(axis=0, angle='0', transl='x,0,z')
Rx = stm_s(axis=0, angle='alpha')
Tx = stm_s(transl='r,0,0')
Rz = stm_s(axis=2, angle='theta')
Tz = stm_s(transl='0,0,d')
dh_mat = Tz * Rz * Tx * Rx
Rx = stm_s(axis=0, angle='0')
Tx = stm_s(transl='0,0,0')
Rz = stm_s(axis=2, angle='theta')
Tz = stm_s(transl='0,0,15')
dh2 = Tz * Rz * Tx * Rx
pprint(dh_s('theta', 15, 0, 0))
t_dh = dh(60,15,0,0)
angles = np.r_[20, 0, 0]
quat = seq2quat(angles)
testmat = np.array([[np.sqrt(2)/2, -np.sqrt(2)/2, 0],
[np.sqrt(2)/2, np.sqrt(2)/2, 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
angles = sequence(testmat, to='nautical')
testmat2 = np.tile(np.reshape(testmat, (1,-1)), (2,1))
angles = sequence(testmat2, to='nautical')
print('Done testing')
correct = np.r_[[0,0,np.pi/4]]
print(R_s(1, 'gamma'))
import quat
a = np.r_[np.cos(0.1), 0,0,np.sin(0.1)]
print('The inverse of {0} is {1}'.format(a, quat.q_inv(a)))
print(R(1, 45))
print(R('y', 45))