Utilities for analyzing movement data recorded with marker-based video
Author: Thomas Haslwanter
Version: 1.2
Date: Aug-2017
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from numpy import r_, sum
# The following construct is required since I want to run the module as a script
# inside the skinematics-directory
import os
import sys
file_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if file_dir not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, file_dir)
import quat, vector
[docs]def analyze_3Dmarkers(MarkerPos, ReferencePos):
Take recorded positions from 3 markers, and calculate center-of-mass (COM) and orientation
Can be used e.g. for the analysis of Optotrac data.
MarkerPos : ndarray, shape (N,9)
x/y/z coordinates of 3 markers
ReferencePos : ndarray, shape (1,9)
x/y/z coordinates of markers in the reference position
Position : ndarray, shape (N,3)
x/y/z coordinates of COM, relative to the reference position
Orientation : ndarray, shape (N,3)
Orientation relative to reference orientation, expressed as quaternion
>>> (PosOut, OrientOut) = analyze_3Dmarkers(MarkerPos, ReferencePos)
# Specify where the x-, y-, and z-position are located in the data
cols = {'x' : r_[(0,3,6)]}
cols['y'] = cols['x'] + 1
cols['z'] = cols['x'] + 2
# Calculate the position
cog = np.vstack(( sum(MarkerPos[:,cols['x']], axis=1),
sum(MarkerPos[:,cols['y']], axis=1),
sum(MarkerPos[:,cols['z']], axis=1) )).T/3.
cog_ref = np.vstack(( sum(ReferencePos[cols['x']]),
sum(ReferencePos[cols['z']]) )).T/3.
position = cog - cog_ref
# Calculate the orientation
numPoints = len(MarkerPos)
orientation = np.ones((numPoints,3))
refOrientation = vector.plane_orientation(ReferencePos[:3], ReferencePos[3:6], ReferencePos[6:])
for ii in range(numPoints):
'''The three points define a triangle. The first rotation is such
that the orientation of the reference-triangle, defined as the
direction perpendicular to the triangle, is rotated along the shortest
path to the current orientation.
In other words, this is a rotation outside the plane spanned by the three
marker points.'''
curOrientation = vector.plane_orientation( MarkerPos[ii,:3], MarkerPos[ii,3:6], MarkerPos[ii,6:])
alpha = vector.angle(refOrientation, curOrientation)
if alpha > 0:
n1 = vector.normalize( np.cross(refOrientation, curOrientation) )
q1 = n1 * np.sin(alpha/2)
q1 = r_[0,0,0]
# Now rotate the triangle into this orientation ...
refPos_after_q1 = vector.rotate_vector(np.reshape(ReferencePos,(3,3)), q1)
'''Find which further rotation in the plane spanned by the three marker points
is necessary to bring the data into the measured orientation.'''
Marker_0 = MarkerPos[ii,:3]
Marker_1 = MarkerPos[ii,3:6]
Vector10 = Marker_0 - Marker_1
vector10_ref = refPos_after_q1[0]-refPos_after_q1[1]
beta = vector.angle(Vector10, vector10_ref)
q2 = curOrientation * np.sin(beta/2)
if np.cross(vector10_ref,Vector10).dot(curOrientation)<=0:
q2 = -q2
orientation[ii,:] = quat.q_mult(q2, q1)
return (position, orientation)
[docs]def find_trajectory(r0, Position, Orientation):
Movement trajetory of a point on an object, from the position and
orientation of a sensor, and the relative position of the point at t=0.
r0 : ndarray (3,)
Position of point relative to center of markers, when the object is
in the reference position.
Position : ndarray, shape (N,3)
x/y/z coordinates of COM, relative to the reference position
Orientation : ndarray, shape (N,3)
Orientation relative to reference orientation, expressed as quaternion
mov : ndarray, shape (N,3)
x/y/z coordinates of the position on the object, relative to the
reference position of the markers
.. math::
\\vec C(t) = \\vec M(t) + \\vec r(t) = \\vec M(t) +
{{\\bf{R}}_{mov}}(t) \\cdot \\vec r({t_0})
>>> t = np.arange(0,10,0.1)
>>> translation = (np.c_[[1,1,0]]*t).T
>>> M = np.empty((3,3))
>>> M[0] = np.r_[0,0,0]
>>> M[1]= np.r_[1,0,0]
>>> M[2] = np.r_[1,1,0]
>>> M -= np.mean(M, axis=0)
>>> q = np.vstack((np.zeros_like(t), np.zeros_like(t),quat.deg2quat(100*t))).T
>>> M0 = vector.rotate_vector(M[0], q) + translation
>>> M1 = vector.rotate_vector(M[1], q) + translation
>>> M2 = vector.rotate_vector(M[2], q) + translation
>>> data = np.hstack((M0,M1,M2))
>>> (pos, ori) = signals.analyze_3Dmarkers(data, data[0])
>>> r0 = np.r_[1,2,3]
>>> movement = find_trajectory(r0, pos, ori)
return Position + vector.rotate_vector(r0, Orientation)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Here a marker-test is required